BSA Troop 370

Camping and Hiking Merit Badges

Online Merit Badges | Starts May 7th

Posted by Harry Evans on Monday, May 04, 2020

Troop 370 will be offering the Camping and Hiking merit badges in a combined class through our remote advancement program. We will have our first Zoom session on Thursday evening, May 7th at 7:00 PM. Obviously we won't be camping during this class but doing all of the non-camping and cooking requirements much as we do when we offer this as part of our semi-annual merit badge clinics. We will also cover the Hiking MB requirements other than the hiking part. Hiking is a difficult merit badge that requires six significant hikes to complete but for the motivated Scout this is a great time to go for neighborhood hikes to work on this one as well.

To reserve your spot in this class for May 7th, complete the form below. There is no cost associated with this merit badge.

If you have any questions about Camping or Hiking merit badges or this class specifically please email Harry Evans at [email protected].

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