BSA Troop 370

The William Waddey Award for Excellence in Community Service REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION INFORMATION


Posted by John Buehner on Monday, Aug. 01, 2022

"The William Waddey Award for Excellence in Community Service” is awarded annually to the member of Troop 370 who exemplifies a life guided by the Boy Scout Oath and Law. It is named in memory of Eagle Scout William Waddey. William used the values he learned in his home, his Church and his Scout Troop for the betterment of his community. This Award provides special recognition to a Troop 370 Scout who applies the principles of the Scout Oath and Law in his daily life.

The Award is open to all Troop 370 Scouts with the rank of First Class or above.

The nominations received by August 10 will be evaluated by a Selection Committee made up of the Troop’s Scoutmaster and Committee Chairperson and may include additional individuals they select.

The Selection Committee acknowledges that many of our Scouts are active in their respective schools, churches, places of worship and other community associations taking part in community and religious service projects and activities.  Although the Selection Committee has the opportunity to interact with our Scouts on a regular basis with respect to Scouting activities, we may not always be aware of our Scouts' involvement outside of Boy Scouts.   Accordingly, this year, we are accepting "Requests for Consideration" from Scouts highlighting their involvement in community service activities through their respective church, school and other civic associations outside of the Boy Scouts program.  A Scout does NOT need to submit this Request for Consideration to be considered for, to be nominated for or to receive the William Waddey Award for Excellence in Community Service.  The Request for Consideration is merely intended to assist the Selection Committee in making its decision.

The completed Request for Consideration should be sent via e-mail to John Buehner at [email protected] at or via US Mail at 870 Landmark Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30342 or can be hand-delivered to John Buehner or Harry Evans at the Scout Meeting on August 3rd or August 10th. 

Request for Consideration Application