BSA Troop 370

Scout Weekend 2023

MB Clinic, Court of Honor, Camping, and More

Posted by Sharp and Kaplan on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2023

Scout weekend 2023 is February 11-12 at St. James United Methodist Church. Please note that there are separate signups for attending the MB clinic, volunteering at the MB Clinic, and camping on the lawn. The itinerary is as follows:


8:00-3:00 Merit Badge Clinic at St James

Register for the MB Clinic Here

Register to Volunteer at the MB Clinic Here

Register to Camp on the Lawn at St James Here

3:00-4:00 Set up tents on lawn / or help set up for Eagle Ceremony 4:00-5:00 Eagle Court of Honor and Reception for Brooks Ortale and Niall Lehane - All Scouts in Class A Uniform

5:00-5:30 Set up tents on lawn 5.30-7:30 Dinner by Patrol and Clean-up 7:30-10:00 Campfire Program / Games & Activities 10:00 Return to Tents and Lights Out

Scout Sunday

7:00-10:00 Prepare Breakfast & Clean up 10:15-10:45 All Scouts dress in Class A Uniforms 10:45-10:55 Scouts assemble in Fellowship Hall and will enter Sanctuary as a group 10:55-12:00 Church Service in Sanctuary (Scouts and Adults dress in Class A Uniform). All Scouts (boys & girls), Cubs, Venturing Scouts, Girl Scouts and families are invited to join us for the 11:00am worship. All that attend and participate in this service will earn a “Troop Activity". Scouts must be in Class A uniforms for Sunday service. 12:00-12:30 Take down tents from church lawn *Patrols will plan for dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. Please attend the campout planning on Wednesday before the campout.