We recently completed an audit of all the Troop 370 Health Forms. If your scout does not have a form on file, or if the form has missing information, you were sent an email. Please take the time to help us update all the forms. If you are not sure if your family's forms are up to date, contact Sheri Buehner at [email protected].
Troop 370 and BSA require that all scouts and adults submit a BSA Health Form when participating in scout activities or events. The Health Form is valid for one year, or if/until medical circumstances change.
Parts A & B (along with a copy of the front and back of your insurance card) are always required, and Part C (with your doctor’s completion and signature) is additionally required for activities and events that exceed 72 hours (such as Camps and High Adventure trips). Please don’t wait until the “last minute” to request a doctor’s completion!!
For Part B1, the Unit Leader is Harry Evans, and his mobile number is 404-536-3427; the Council Name/No. is Atlanta Area Council / 92, and the Unit No. is Troop 370.
Please make sure that your scout’s Health Form is current, and that you have scanned and emailed a copy into our Health Forms mailbox ([email protected]). In the alternative, you may hand deliver the completed form to an Adult Leader at a Wednesday Troop meeting at St. James, or you may mail or hand deliver to Sheri Buehner, 870 Landmark Drive NE, Sandy Springs, GA 30342.
When completing health forms, please remember to do the following:
Write legibly.
Check that EVERY box is checked/completed. Often-forgotten items include:
Checking “None” for participant restrictions on Part A
Checking “Yes” or “No” for use of an epi pen or an asthma rescue inhaler (top of Part B2)
Checking “Yes” or “No” to allow administration of non-prescription medication (such as Tylenol and Benadryl) as long as such medication is not on the list of allergic medications (middle of Part B2)
Including tetanus date (Immunization Section – Part B2).
Signatures for parents and scout are complete.
Send 1 PDF file with all documents, including the front and back of the insurance card.
Please do not send pictures / jpeg files.
Microsoft’s Office Lens app (soon to be renamed Microsoft Lens) is available for free on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store and will allow you to create a PDF using the camera on your phone.
Please submit any questions or concerns to Sheri Buehner at [email protected]. Thank you!!