BSA Troop 370


New Parent Orientation

John Buehner | May 14, 2024

Please join some of Troop 370’s adult leaders on May 15 for an introduction to “how things work” in Troop 370. The presentation will be based on the New Parent Handbook that can be found under the …

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Family Life Merit Badge Meeting

Julianne Walker | April 29, 2024

Scouts join 370 leaders to start the Eagle required merit badge Family Life, or work to finish a partial. The summer is a great time to work on the project for family life and complete a 90 day chore …

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Eagle Court of Honor

Juliane Walker | April 16, 2024

Sunday April 28, 2024 St. James UMC Fellowship Hall 4pm Court of Honor followed by reception with light refreshments We are honoring the following scouts: Drew Carniege Eli MacLane Collin Maher Thoma…

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Christie Hunt | April 16, 2024

Have fun orienteering this weekend at the Nav-O and complete your First Class 4A orienteering requirement. Saturday, April 20, 9:00 - 3:00. Details and Sign Up Here.ob …

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Lifeguards and Swim Instructors Needed

Scott Boze | March 05, 2024

Volunteers needed: Lifeguards and swim instructors needed to help teach swimming classes with the Atlanta Area Council on 3/8 from 1-4pm at Washington Park Natatorium. For more info contact Darryl Ha…

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Pine Straw Spring 2024

Shepard | Feb. 13, 2024

We need help to make the sale a success. If you can sign-up to work even a couple of hours it would be great! We will be pre-loading Friday after work, delivering Saturday and then spreading Sunday …

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High Adventure 2024: Uganda

Fontaine Kohler | Feb. 05, 2024

Life-changing scout trip to UGANDA! We will have an information session about our upcoming trip to Uganda (12/26/24 - 1/4/25) on Wednesday, March 13th at 6:30PM in the Church Activities Bldg (where t…

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High Adventure 2025: Sea Base

Harry Evans | Feb. 05, 2024

In 2025, Troop 370 will be travelling to Sea Base St. Thomas to participate in a great High Adventure. The trip has a limited number of slots available. We will conduct a lottery for all who sign up a…

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Woodruff Summer Camp 2024

Harry Evans | Feb. 05, 2024

It's time to start thinking about Summer Camp 2024! Summer camp at Woodruff Scout Camp is truly a highlight of the year in Scouting. Our Scouts are going to have a great time learning some new skills,…

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Eagle Scout Court of Honor: February 2024

Buehner | Jan. 29, 2024

Troop 370 cordially invites you to attend the EAGLE SCOUT COURT OF HONOR CEREMONY for Ryan Meisinger and Michael O'Connor Saturday, February 10, at 4:00 p.m. St. James United Methodist Church Sanc…

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Scout Weekend/February Campout 2024 & MB Clinic

Kaplan and Sharp | Jan. 29, 2024

Scout Weekend is February 10-11, 2024. There are MANY activities that you can participate in, including a merit badge clinic, court of honor, campout, and church service. Registration is required for …

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Health Form Nights 2024

Buehner | Jan. 29, 2024

Health Form Nights: Wednesday, Jan. 31 and Feb. 7 Get your scout ready for 2024 camping trips and summer camp by attending one of our upcoming health form evenings. Many forms are currently expiring …

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Parent's Night: January 2024

Buehner | Jan. 28, 2024

Join us as we review the spring campout schedule and kick-off summer camp! All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Wednesday, January 31 at 7:30pm …

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Hiking Merit Badge 2024

William Schoeffler | Jan. 14, 2024

In 2024, William and Mary Schoeffler will offer Hiking Merit Badge to anyone interested in achieving this Eagle Merit Badge. The Merit Badge requirements include three classroom requirements and five …

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Citizenship in the Community/Communications MB

Weede | Jan. 14, 2024

Citizenship in the Community/Communication Merit Badge Field Trip to a City Council Meeting: Dan Weede will be teaching Citizenship in the Community at our upcoming Merit Badge Clinic and has organize…

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