BSA Troop 370


Only showing posts from category “camping” | Show all posts

Winter Camp 2021

Evans | Sept. 06, 2021

Winter Camp registration with Troop 370 has opened! Winter Camp includes over 30 merit badges and unique programs and merit badges not available at summer camp. Winter Camp includes 3 full days of act…

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Conservation Weekend - November 2021

Harry Evans | Aug. 30, 2021

Conservation Weekend Registration has opened for the Atlanta Area Council's Conservation Weekend at Woodruff Scout Camp, November 12-14, 2021. This event conflicts with the regular Troop 370 November …

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September 2021 Campout

Buehner | Aug. 30, 2021

Look for more information next week about the September campout. It is a canopy tour/ziplining course and then camping at Don Carter State Park. …

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Summer Camp - Adult Leaders' Meeting

Jeff Hunt | May 24, 2021

Summer Camp - Adult Leaders' Meeting If you are coming to summer camp as an adult for the week or part of the week, we need to get together for some planning! We will have a meeting this Thursday, May…

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fontaine kohler | Jan. 10, 2021

ANOTHER HEALTH FORMS EVENING has been added: Wednesday, February 24th starting at 6:30PM. If your scout is going to Summer Camp, you will need an evaluation by a physician, and Troop 370 doctors are …

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Troop Calendar 2020-2021

Harry Evans | Oct. 19, 2020

The outdoor calendar, merit badge clinics, Order of the Arrow events, Pine Straw sales and other important troop dates are included. Troop Calendar 2020-2021.ob …

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Leadership Weekend & Family Campout

Cyrus Sharp | July 22, 2020

WHERE:Woodruff Scout Reservation31 Woodruff Dr.Blairsville, GA 30512Campsite #11DEPARTURE TIME:Friday, August 7, 2020 - Arrive at Woodruff after 5 PMSaturday, August 8, 2020 - Arrive at Woodruff prior to 9:30 AMRETURN TIME:Sunday, August 9, 2020 - Depart Woodruff by 11:00 amDESCRIPTION:Troop 370 will be hosting a Family Campout and its Leadership Training and Planning event at Woodruff Scout Reservation the weekend of August 7-9. All scouts and their families are invited for a weekend of camping. Scouts that have obtained 1st class rank and above are encouraged to participate in the Leadership Training program and Calendar Planning session for the 2020-2021 season. However, if you want to hike, fish, play games or just chill that's ok too. Woodruff is open this summer for family camping and unit campouts. We are encouraging all to spend a weekend in the North GA mountains and participate with the Troop at a level you are most comfortable.COVID-19 STATEMENT:We want to keep our Scouting family healthy and do our best to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. We will be following the guidance of the CDC and the GA Dept. of Health.We ask the following:— Prior to departure, make sure you have no signs or symptoms of illness and have not been around anyone who is ill for at least 14 days.— Remember the "Three W's" - WASH (or sanitize) hands frequently, WEAR your mask, and WATCH your distance (at least 6 feet apart).TRANSPORTATION:The Troop will NOT be coordinating carpool transportation. Each Scout family will need to arrange its own transportation to and from Woodruff.Scouts from Troop 370 should always travel in field uniforms (class A)MEALS:The troop will be preparing Lunch & Dinner on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday for all in attendance. However, as a family group or organized patrol, you are welcome to plan & cook your own meals.FEE:There is no cost to attend this campoutWe do need a head count to plan for meals.ADULTS: Adults are needed to assist in training, meal preparation, and other logistics. Adults must be current with Youth Protection certification. This course may be taken online at​adult.TRIP CAPTAIN: Cyrus Sharp, [email protected], 404.307.1994REGISTER:Register by Wednesday, August 5, 2020 by the end of the Troop meeting.Register

Woodruff Summer Camp - new date

Jeff Hunt | May 11, 2020

The Atlanta Area Council has delayed camp for a few weeks and has cancelled the first two weeks of summer camp. With what was left available we decided to re-schedule for week 6, July 5 - 11. This is …

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Okpik Winter Camping Adventures 2021

Christie Hunt | Feb. 10, 2020

Let's go play in the snow, build snow shelters, cross country ski on the beautiful frozen lakes and more! Scouts are first come (deposit paid) first serve! For more information, contact Christie Hunt …

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